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作者: 点击数: 时间:2018-05-23

为提高国内学者在国际学术刊物Forest Policy and EconomicsFPE)及其它相关国际期刊的投稿论文的质量与录用率,促进国内林业经济学科发展,FPE中国区编辑部将于2018724—2018728日在浙江农林大学(浙江·杭州)举行第一期林业经济研究与英文论文撰写研修班。竭诚欢迎优秀的林业经济研究学者报名参加。

浙江农林大学bet28365 365




本期研修班由FPE主编尹润生博士、国际资深林业经济学家Bill Hyde以及国内林业经济学界知名学者担任主讲人,主讲人均具有深厚的林业经济与政策研究素养和丰富的国际期刊论文撰写及审稿经验。日程安排见附件1










4. 近期工作论文或研究计划一篇(英文)


地址:杭州市临安区衣锦街252号 浙江农林大学bet28365 365310 FPE中国编辑部(邮编:311300

联系人:严燕(办公电话:0571-63743312)  祁慧博(手机号:15858223721



Hangzhou workshop/training program

It is our observation that while most participants have spent time and effort learning how to conduct applied economics research, many may still face challenges in understanding the international literature and research, in posing a question/hypothesis properly, and in generating the necessary data and building the relevant model(s) to address the question or test the hypothesis. Of course, we do recognize that there can be multiple approaches to the research problem or hypothesis at hand. Meanwhile, we know that all the participants are eager to learn how to write a scientific manuscript that might be submitted for international journal review. This workshop focuses on the organization and preparation of such a paper.

Therefore, the workshop will have two parts:

I.How to organize economics research. We will cover research design and implementation. Dr. Runsheng Yin will lead this part.

II.How to prepare a scientific manuscript. We will cover drafting, submission, and revision. Dr. Bill Hyde will lead this part.

(Advance registration should request a brief indication of each registrant’s own research interest and a sample paper of abstract of research in progress.  We can use this to help us focus group discussions)

Day 1

8:30-9:15 am:  General introduction by

a)Host institution representative


9:15-9:45 am: break

9:45-11:30 am: Workshop program overview

a)How to conduct scientific research (Runsheng)

Question/hypothesis, background & literature review, data gathering and analysis…

b)How to prepare a scientific manuscript (Bill)

Objective in this workshop, promise to participants, organization of the workshop session …

11:30-1:30 pm: lunch break

1:30-3:00 pm: Individual participant time with the assignment to make written notes outlining the general format from two sample papers. (These to be taken from a larger group of sample papers which we provide.  This invests participants in the process and prepares them for the process which follows. For careful and through outlines, this will take more than one hour.  We should be prepared to walk among and talk with individual participants to help them understand what we’re looking for in this exercise.)

3:00-3:30 pm: break

3:30-4:40 pm: Meet in two groups to discuss progress/conclusions from the previous individual session.  Comments/questions from participants.  (The objective should be to drive home the basic format introduced during the 9:45-11:30 am this morning.)

4:40-5:00 pm: Get together again briefly in general session.  Summary feedback for day—on paper organization.  (I think this is too early in the workshop to discuss literature review.)

Day 2

8:30-9:30 am: Review a published empirical paper for discussion of its organization.  (In general session by Bill.  Use one of the sample papers from the first day as that will allow some better understanding by those participants who reviewed this particular paper.)

9:30-10:00 am:  break

10:00-11:00 am: (longer if necessary and useful)  Addressing a question or testing an hypothesis. Discuss how to pose a question or hypothesis and build model(s) to address/test it. Add a very brief comment on data, (very brief as that topic will be covered later in detail).(In general session by Runsheng)  (I think we have to move this session up from day 3 to day 2.  Moving it here allows us to move on and not continue too long the first day’s discussion of basic organization. Furthermore, the question of a paper’s objective, fundamental question, or hypothesis is the next logical item in the preparation of any research activity.)

11:00-1:30 pm: lunch break

1:30-3:00 pm: Group discussion.  Each of the two groups selects two (three if sufficient time) participants’ papers and lets the author tell how he/she would refine his/her question/hypothesis and analytic work. Then ask for group help and comment.

3:00-3:30 pm: break

3:30-5:00 pm: Continue group discussions as before break.  Introduce another paper from participants in the group if time allows. Share group leaders’ opinions and discuss remaining comments/questions.

Day 3

8:30-9:30 am: Data collection and analysis. (In general session by Runsheng, more time if necessary) Discuss what data one needs and what data one has and how to refine one’s data gathering, variable definition and enumeration, and empirical analysis. Summary data table and discussion in any final paper. (This follows logically on the previous day’s focus on hypothesis and modelling.)

9:30-10:00 am: break

10:00-11:30 am: Discuss what should and should not be included in the background and literature review sections of a paper.  (In general session by Bill. This logically follows on the data section as an important point is that one must include everything relevant to the modelling but nothing extraneous—quite similar to what data is necessary.)

11:30-2:00 pm: lunch break  (I like that you’ve allowed longer breaks, especially for lunch.  In my experience, much of value occurs during the breaks, but most conferences make them too short.)

2:00-3:30 pm: Groups (once more.  Remain in same groups—so that we can continue reviewing with familiarity some of the same participant papers or proposals.)

3:30-4:00 pm: break

4:00-5:00 pm: Groups.  Discuss what participants have learned for themselves to this point.  (Participation continues to be important as individual who participate build understanding.)

Day 4

8:30-10:00 am: Case study I: A sample published article presented by Dr. Can Liu plus Q&A.  (I think it’s now time to move on from what we’ve been doing and introduce a good paper, then to discuss it in almost its entirety as an example of what we’ve been doing the last three days.)

10:00-10:30 am: break

10:30-11:30 am: Group discussion. Each group discusses Dr. Liu’s paper in light of both its organization and its presentation of research detail. Focus is not on whether or not we agree with its research findings.  (Perhaps now is time to rearrange the group membership—as we’re no longer regularly referring to those participant papers that have been a focus of most of the previous group discussions.)

11:30-2:00 pm: lunch break

2:00-3:00 pm: A new general session reintroducing what belongs in the introduction to a good paper and then its concluding section. (Bill)

3:00-3:30 pm: break

3:30-5:00 pm: ??  (fill in with whatever we learn could use more time? Or continue with the previous session.  Or spend time with individual participants who would like assistance with their papers or proposals.)

Day 5

8:30-10:00 am: Case study II: A sample published article presented by Dr. Jintao Xu plus Q&A

10:00-10:30 am: break

10:30-11:30 am: Group discussion. Each group discusses Xu’s paper in light of both its organization and its presentation of research detail, as previously with Can’s paper, but this time, including the introduction and conclusion in our discussion. Focus, once more, is not on whether or not we agree with its research findings.

11:30-2:00 pm: lunch break

2:00-3:00 pmWorkshop review and summary.    

a)Journal submission, expectations, reviews, revisions (Bill)

b)What has been accomplished during this workshop, what else should be done, and how we can make the training more effective by instructors and participants (Runsheng.  A post-training survey should have been implemented and summarized by representatives).

3:00-3:45 pm:Look ahead—participants’ individual plans for research, publication, conference attendance, and other engagements/suggestions, including November follow up session.    

3:45-4:00 pm Break

3:50-5:00 pm: Closing ceremony

a)Remarks by host institution representative(s)

b)Remarks by participants & instructors



1 基本信息
















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