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bet28365 365简介

  bet28365 365创建于1986年。有农林经济管理浙江省一流学科、会计学、国际贸易、企业管理、管理科学与工程5个学科(系)依托服务国家特殊需求博士培养项目招收竹业经济与政策方向博士研究生,拥有农林经济管理、农村与区域发展2个硕士点,农林经济管理(浙江省重点专业)、会计学(浙江省重点建设专业)、工商管理、国际经济与贸易、电子商务、市场营销、财务管理、金融工程8个本科专业。有跨学科研究中心(中国农民发展研究中心)、浙江省一流学科、国家林业局重点培育学科浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究基地以及杭州市政研室(参事室)政校合作研究基地等一批重要学科平台。中国林业经济学会现代乡村林业专业委员会、浙江省林学会林业经济专业委员会、浙江省会计学会林业分会挂靠本学院。






  The College of Economics and Management was founded in1986. Currently it has 5 disciplines (departments), including Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Management, Accounting, International Trade, Business Administration,and Management Science and  Engineering.The College offers eight bachelor programs Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Management, Accounting, Financial Management,InternationalEconomics andTrade,Business Administration, Marketing,E-Commerce,Financial Engineering,two master'sdegree programs,Agricultural and Forestry Economics and Management, and Rural and RegionalDevelopment,and also recruit doctoral students supported by National Special Doctoral Talents Training Program. The College has a number of academic research platforms such as the Center for China Farmers’ Development, the First-Class Disciplines of Zhejiang Province, the Key Cultivation Disciplines of the State Forestry Bureau, the Philosophy and Social Science Research Base of Zhejiang Province, and Government-University Cooperative Research Base of Hangzhou. CSFE - Modern Country Forestry Specialized Committee, Zhejiang Society of Forestry - Forestry Economy Specialized Committee and Zhejiang Society of Accounting - Forestry branch are affiliated to the College.  

 There are over 2000 undergraduate and more than 300post-graduates. The College has a faculty of 103, with strong academiccapability, rich teaching experience and high professional ethics. Currently, thereare 15 professors in the faculty. 60% of our teachers have senior professional titles and above 50% are doctors. 3 teachers have been appointed as doctoralsupervisors, 48 as master supervisors. 1 of our faculty is appointed as the consultant of the State Council, 1 included in The Recruitment Program of Global Experts of Zhejiang and 3 awarded as young and mid-aged university academic leaders of Zhejiang, 4 listed in the Zhejiang “151” Talents Program. The College also has 8 part-time or visiting professors from Auburn University of USA, Toronto University of Canada, Beijing University and China Agriculture University, etc.  

     In the recent 5 years, the faculty has 12 research programs funded by the National Nature Science Foundation and the National Social Science Foundation, 70 programs at provincial or ministerial level (international cooperation). The total research funding amounts to 15 million Yuan. 20 academic articles are SCI, SSCI or EI listed; 22 books have been published; 8 scientific research awards have been achieved; 10 research results are instructed and commented by provincial leaders. The College has also established research cooperation and student communication platforms with several famous universities in the USA, Canada, UK, Sweden, Finland and Taiwan, China. And the College set up a program for senior managers (Hongyue Program) with Zhejiang Hongyue Flowers and Plants Stock Limited Company, to explore a new training model of “cooperation of university and business, joint personnel training”. Students of the College have received 12 national level and 240 provincial level awards in various competitions, including gold medals of the “Challenge Cup” National College Student Business Plan Competition, the first place of the Competition National English Contest for College Students, and National Service Outsourcing Competition for College Students. The students’ research group of “the problem of agriculture, rural area and peasants” has been awarded as Zhejiang Excellent University Student Association.

      Based on the principle of "Quality is theintroduction of the College, personnel are the fundamental of the College,Academics is the strength of the College", the College is committed to thegrowth and success of students. The College sticks to educate student withvirtues, pays attention to discipline construction, makes a breakthrough by Institutional Innovation, lays stress on optimizing the teaching faculty, enhancessocial cooperation and international exchanges, and builds a harmonious collegeatmosphere. It seeks to promote its education quality, research capacity,internationalization and teaching level, and makes its due contribution for thedevelopment of economy and society and the construction of eco-civilization.  


浙江农林大学bet28365 365  地址:浙江省杭州市临安区衣锦街252号
电话:0571-63732787   邮编:311300